The Red Door Access Is Open to ATV Towed Wheelhouses; No Car or Truck Traffic Yet
The Red Door access is open to walk-on, snowmobile, ATV and side by side traffic for the weekend. Single axel wheelhouses can be towed onto the lake with an ATV or UTV. The access is not open to car or truck traffic for the weekend.
The Ice Team has roads plowed out to Weimer, Bomback and Pantry flats. Weather permitting, and assuming the snow and blowing are not overwhelming, a road to Resort Flat may be opened later in the weekend. If conditions are inhospitable, we’ll continue road expansion early next week.
Note that yesterday (Wednesday) there was an active crack on the main road. We routed traffic to the west and the crack has pushed back together, allowing the Ice Team and guests to cross today without issue. If you see any openings on the ice, do not attempt to cross and immediately notify our office.
All fifteen of the Red Door Resort rentals are on the ice, set up and ready for guests. Our five wheelhouses are on the Weimer Flat. Our ten skid houses are set up on the east side of Pantry. Fish house rental customers have been catching fish, including a surprising number of walleye in the 21″-23″ slot. Groups with reservations for this weekend can bring transportation (i.e., a snowmobile, ATV or side by side) to get to and from the rental, or the Red Door Ice Team will provide shuttle service.
The warm weather has allowed for short sleeve fishing and enjoyable work on the lake, but has limited . We are more excited that we would like to admit when we look at the forecast for next week and see a few overnight lows near zero. If things continue to progress, we are optimistic that we will be able to allow at least some vehicle and wheelhouse traffic next weekend.
Thank you for your loyalty to the Red Door. As always, please check in with the office before heading out on the lake and, we advise, limit travel to daylight hours.