Roads open, yes. To the flats, not yet. 5 days ago, our ice team found many “traps” around the northern flats of areas with 10-11″ of ice. We opened access to the flats by ATV’s but not to vehicles. The next few days of extreme cold will help build the ice we need to allow safe vehicle traffic but the extreme drop in temperature will crack any new exposed ice badly and create some serious dangers; when we say 10 MPH, we mean it for a reason. Wait for daylight to travel the roads and travel with caution.

At this time, our roads remain excellent with no bridges to the first and second break with many plowed driveways for wheelhouses. Many have realized how great the north shore “first and second” breaks can be as we don’t need to venture a mile plus to the flats for exceptional fishing. We will check ice depth on Thursday and again on Sunday after the extreme cold subsides and if all checks out, we will work our roads out to the flats at that time. Have a safe and enjoyable weekend, fill your propane tanks and stay warm!

More great pics from our photo contest!



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