Open to Full Traffic During the Cold and Windy Weather
The Red Door Access continues to be open to full traffic, including diesels and multiple axel wheelhouses. Slow driving at or below 10 mph will be mandatory and we will not be allowing any trucks with plows through our access. The Ice Team has been preparing for the weekend by clearing roads and driveways.
The weather is predicted to be cold. After reaching 7 degrees tomorrow (Friday) temperatures will be below zero for the next 4 days, only reaching a high of 2 degrees on Wednesday. It will also be windy. Sustained 20 mph northwest wind – with gusts up to 35 mph – will continue through much of Friday and only temper slightly on Saturday before slowing to 10mph – with gusts to 15 mph – on Sunday.
The extreme cold could open up cracks in the ice and along the roads. There may be some flooding or bridges that need to be placed / relocated. The blustery conditions will continue to cause drifting. The Ice Team will monitor road conditions to the best of their ability and, assuming there are no white out conditions, will continue plowing roads and driveways for members and guests.
With weather variables, please check in with the office regarding the latest conditions. Please also plan accordingly for your trip this weekend. Make sure you have plenty of propane and gasoline (for both your generator and your vehicle). Also plan for flexibility in your schedule. The Ice Team is committed to helping members and guest on and off the lake, but you will likely have to be patient. We also recommend that, if it is at all possible, travel take place only during daylight hours.
Our current ice road map is the included in this post. The Red Door Ice roads current reach the following flats: Wiemer, Bomback, Pantry, Resort (north and south), Fletcher, Bitcher, Fishhouse, Eileen’s, Backer, Phil’s, Matton and 8-mile (Northeast portion).
Due to the historically thinner ice closer to shore, we have not opened roads along the first or second break, and any off road travel should be undertaken only on the flats (i.e., south of the northern tip of Weimer Flat or the 46° 20.600′ N parallel).