New and Expanded Roads For Full Traffic
The Red Door Ice Roads remain open to full traffic. The Ice Team rerouted and expanded many of our roads and focused work on the access which is now lying flat.
After a late freeze, associated tough start to the season, and the gusting winds last weekend, the Ice Team gathered on Sunday and the universal theme was that things weren’t in as good of shape as we wanted them to be. As a result, this week was spent rerouting and expanding roads. The Ice Team is now proud of the roads (see image below). Some specific highlights include:
– Expanding our first mile of trunk road and reopening a portion that was previously rerouted due to as ice heave
– Working on the access to smooth / level things out in an attempt to eliminate an hang ups or issues
– Shifting our main road to cut across Resort Flat before heading south near Matton, Phil’s, Fishhouse, Eileen’s and 8 Mile
– Opening up roads along the first and second break for the first time this hard water season
– Redirecting the Pantry road to come down the east side of the flat
The bite has been slower over the last week. This might be attributed to the subzero cold front or, perhaps, to the later winter season. That said, Red Door guests and members are still catching fish. Reports have indicated the dead sticks, rattle reels and tip ups have been the most successful. Mobility certainly helps. Deeper fishing during the day (i.e., 27′ to 30′) and moving up slightly in the evening seems to help.
Thank you for taking the time to review our update and we hope to see you at the Red Door!

The Red Door Ice roads have been rerouted slightly and continue to provide access to the following flats: Wiemer, Bomback, Pantry, Resort (north and south), Matton, Phil’s, Fishhouse, Flecher, Bitcher, Eileen’s, Backer, and 8-mile (Northeast portion).
The Ice Roads now include freshly plowed roads along the first and second break lines, which are located much closer to shore.