Our ice road access is open but limited to 1/2 ton trucks or smaller for now. No wheel houses, no diesel pickups, and no 3/4 ton or larger pickups can be allowed on or off the ice at this time. With the widely varying temperatures of late several pressure ridges and active cracks have formed close to shore. Thinner ice of about 11″ has been discovered in some areas near shore as well. Bridges are in place and detours have been plowed as needed.

Ice is naturally under constant change with temperature and new trouble spots can form at any moment so please use EXTREME CAUTION. Limit your speed to 5 mph within 1/2 mile of shore and near any bridges, and 10 mph elsewhere. Slower speeds don’t stress the ice as much and will help to prevent cracks. Please slow to a crawl while crossing the bridges – too much speed, acceleration, or braking on and off the bridges can cause them to move.

Thanks for you cooperation, be safe, and good luck fishing!


Below graphic is from the MN DNR, please click the image to read more on their web site.



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